An der TU Berlin findet am 07.11.2022, ab 16:30 Uhr die Queen's Lecture 2022 mit dem Thema: “A Human-centred Future of Mobility” statt.

"Humans and their needs and abilities are at the heart of Sarah Sharples’ research on the future of mobility. This future includes autonomous vehicles such as cars, ships, and trains, as well as decarbonization, the net-zero goal, the future of travel, as well as holistic innovations in a global and intelligent transport system.

A human factors researcher at the University of Nottingham, Professor Sharples is Chief Scientific Adviser for the United Kingdom’s Department for Transport.The Queen's Lecture is supported by the British Embassy and the British Council Germany. (...)
It is part of the program of Science Week 2022." (TU Berlin (2022): Queen's Lecture 2022. URL: